1. Project Title & Subtitle

    A payment-flow mockup incorporated with a new way of authentication

  2. Client/Company/Project type

    Discover/ Explicit Selection/ UX design prototype

  3. Project date

    August- September, 2022

  4. My role

    Product thinking, Research, Interaction design, Visual design, Prototyping and testing

  5. Project Summary/About this Project

    The goal of this project is to design a payment flow, which is as easy to use as current ones, and seamlessly introduce a new authentication method

  6. The challenge

    Having the idea of using mobile Driving licence to authenticate users in mind, the client wants to create a seamless and natural-feel of experience for users to get used to. The key part of challenge is how to make the experience seamless and natural (as similar and familiar as the ones people are using nowadays).


    Help users to have a easy and natural flow of payment with a new authentication method


    Introducing a new method of authentication for users is daunting:


    When users are doing online shopping, they tend to choose their familiar ways of payment. They are scared to learn a new method. And while during payment authentication, they also automatically choose the familiar methods to authenticate their payment.

  7. Process

    First, the main focus of our project would be on the request authentication, verify authentication on customer device and verify the credential as demonstration below.


    How a typical implementation of payment and authentication works

    With out competitor analysis ready, we have learned about what are the major payment authentication methods on the market.

    By studying several ways of authentication methods, and payment flow using Apple Wallet and Dutch identity authentication app DigiD in iOS system. We have decided to mimic adapt their flow.


    Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/impact-strong-customer-authentication-e-commerce-dmitrijus-apockinas/

    Under the circumstance and nature of this project, we are at a very beginning of introducing an authentication method. We have gotten the help of the technical team to reach a decision that we would first choose one adapt a major client’s payment method, then we will make a few extra steps to explain to user that they can initiate mobile Driving Licence app to authenticate while they also have the option to carry on with old way of authentication. In this way, we hope to create a safe environment for users to reduce anxiety of introducing a new way of authentication.

  8. Solution

    A vivid capture of user’s possible action in a hi-fi prototype

    It simulates a user’s action from starting in a shopping cart view in a webshop, carrying onto real scenarios of gathering payment information, confirming identity with partnered payment organization and then seamlessly connecting to authentication using mobile-Driving-licence, eventually closing off with placing a order back in the webshop.

  9. Results

A link to the Figma prototype with the new guided tour (mobile version): https://www.figma.com/proto/9slWTAu1fhEWAy0cWWtovP/components-%2B-flows?page-id=101%3A20092&node-id=101%3A27914&viewport=475%2C391%2C0.03&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=101%3A27087